
The proper control of buildings means an optimal energy consumption obtaining a level of comfort and safety for people, resulting in modern buildings.
Sotecontrol develops its work in the automation of intelligent buildings, addressing energy savings and efficiency as an absolute priority.
We offer a distributed control system based on open protocols, in which different subsystems can be integrated and managed centrally.

This configuration offers the following advantages:

Use of standard market architectures and physical media, allowing different manufacturers to coexist in the same system.
Reduces the risk of a global system failure, since in the event of an error in one part of the installation or loss of communications between the central equipment and the remote equipment, the latter will continue to manage the information and execute their automatic actions, due to their autonomous operation.
The controllers are universal, modular and with software-selectable control algorithms.
This allows for easy expansion or modification of the overall system.
Easy visualization and processing of information due to centralized management with workstations with SCADA programs and the possibility of incorporating touch screens.

TCP/IP, Lonworks, Bacnet, Modbus, OPC, SNMP, NTP, SMTP protocols.
Possibility of monitoring and control of buildings through a standard web browser via Intranet or Internet.

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